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                   Curriculum Lead - Ash Kirwan


Our computing offer, both in terms of the curriculum and content taught and the equipment that we have to enhance children’s experience of technology is something we are very proud of. Our aim and intention has always been to prepare our pupils for the future, to ensure that our pupils are ready for a technologically advanced society. We want to give pupils the best opportunities to unlock a range of careers when they are older. The equipment we provide alone does not ensure our pupils leave Key Stage 2 with an excellent preparedness for their future - this is done through engaging and knowledge-rich lessons, which form our Computing Curriculum offer. We intend for all of our pupils to succeed within the subject and our curriculum includes a number of scaffolds to ensure inclusivity of all learners to reach the same learning goals.

Our curriculum ensures pupils grasp key concepts, with the overarching aim of our pupils becoming computational thinkers through units which are both hands-on, practical and driven as well as the acquisition of knowledge, in keeping with the wider school curriculum and ethos.

Due to the extensive range of equipment on offer, our curriculum has variety. Pupils embed the idea of concepts taught through a range of tools which bring the abstract concepts into concrete experiences.

We also recognise the importance of keeping children safe online, both ensuring children are good digital citizens and they are able to look after themselves using the internet. Therefore online safety is a key thread that is embedded throughout both our RSHE and our computing curriculum


Our curriculum in computing is, in keeping with the wider school curriculum, a spiral curriculum to ensure themes are revisited regularly. The three main themes in our curriculum are: Digital Literacy: Understanding the impact of technology on our lives and society; being  competent, safe and efficient users, Information Technology: Using computers and software to achieve specific outcomes and Computer Science: How computers work, how we develop algorithms to program. Interwoven within the curriculum are aspects of online safety and digital citizenship, which have been mapped out. We have also included an additional unit on online safety - due to the high usage of technology within our setting and it’s growing use in wider society.

We make use of the National Centre for Computing Excellence’s ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum. It has been modified to utilise the vast range of equipment that we have at the school and has been added to, as mentioned, ensuring aspects of online safety are covered more thoroughly.

Within the Teach Computing Curriculum, every year group learns through units within the three overarching themes mentioned above, which combine the ten strands that the ‘Teach Computing’ curriculum is based upon: algorithms, computer networks, computer systems, creating media, data and information, design and development, effective use of tools, impact of technology, programming and safety and security.

Alongside the Teach Computing Curriculum, we also provide opportunities for children to access our ‘Spark Lab’, which is a specialist STEM facility which has an array of programmable robots and equipment in order for children to apply their skills - particularly in relation to the Computer Science units in our scheme of learning that happen in 3 half-terms a year.


First and foremost, we ensure that teachers assess pupils’ understanding of computing concept during the lesson itself, adapting content to ensure the lesson meets the needs of all pupils. In making formal assessments, teachers utilise either a multiple-choice quiz or can make use of a rubric which lists the skills taught during that unit, to identify any gaps in pupil learning.

As our curriculum intends to set pupils up for a technologically-rich future, we regularly revisit and review previously learned content to ensure that knowledge taught is stored in pupils’ long-term memory. We also allow for multiple opportunities, with the use of our technologically-rich environment, for pupils to practise concepts and skills taught regularly.