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This week our main theme was celebrating World Book Day. See below for what we learnt during the week!

Maths: We finished our area and perimeter unit by understanding and calculating the volume of 3D shapes such as cubes and cuboids.

Writing: We produced some excellent writing based on the story 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. You can see this in the attached photo below. Some features included high level adjectives and pathetic fallacy!

Reading: We focused on vocabulary and inference skills.

PE: We applied the rules of handball to a game and began our Tag Rugby unit.

Science: The class learnt about the importance of light and learnt about the key features of the eye and how it processes light.

DT: The class researched Mezze dishes and how multiple dishes could contribute to a well-balanced diet.

RE: The children looked at different celebrations and festivals and identified ones that would link to Christianity.

Geography: The class learned about the different North American biomes and how varied they are due to the sheer mass of North America. 


Writing: We produced some excellent writing based on the story 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. You can see this in the attached photo below. Some features included high level adjectives and pathetic fallacy!