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  • Week Beginning 4.3.24

    Published 08/03/24, by Ash Kirwan

    Our week included World Book Day alongside lots of learning and enjoyment. 

    We began the week with a focus on our class book 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. We 'interviewed the main character (see above) and explored the idea of gender stereotypes as a theme in the book.


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  • Guildhall Visit 28.2.24

    Published 08/03/24, by Ash Kirwan

    On the 28th February, Year 6 took a trip to the 'Guildhall' in King's Lynn - a famous, old building steeped in History.

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  • Week Beginning 26.2.24

    Published 29/02/24, by Ash Kirwan

    We began our half-term with a 'trip' to China! We explored the setting for our new class book, 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. Following our VR headset journey, we created a giant firework display painting using paint splatters on a large canvas. Below you'll find some of the initial writing from our pupils, which we are very proud of. 


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  • Week Beginning 12.2.24

    Published 14/02/24, by Ash Kirwan

    We've had another busy week - the last one of this action-packed half-term. 

    A highlight was of course pancake day - our pupils loved each frying and sometimes flipping (if they were feeling brave) their pancakes. 

    In class, we rounded off our Yoga work with the creation of our own flows based on all the learning we have completed in PE this half-term. 

    We are busy making our electrical toys, full with the knowledge from our electricity unit. There are some truly wonderful designs. 

    We have been looking at percentages in Maths and how to calculate percentages of amounts. 

    In English, we finished writing some wonderful suspense stories based on a short animation.

    We have continued to look at Victorian art and architecture, as well the Victorian period. Pupils have taken a real interest in this, as well as the rest of their learning this half-term. Mr Kirwan, Mrs Kirwan and Mrs Fox would like to thank pupils for the work and effort they continue to put in.


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  • Week Beginning 5th February

    Published 07/02/24, by Ash Kirwan

    In the Inspire Suite this week, we have been pairing up to create 'Partner Flows' in Yoga.
    This was the fifth week of Yoga this term and our balancing skills have really improved.



    This week also saw us celebrate 'Safer Internet Day'.
    We looked at how the internet can influence us and look out for positive influences and being wary of negative influences.



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  • Week beginning 29th January

    Published 01/02/24, by Ash Kirwan

    It's been an exciting week in 6K. 

    In English, we discovered a crime scene in a Victorian workhouse! Pupils gathered evidence and then conducted eye-witness interviews using their iPad to record these. Finally, they created some wonderful newspaper reports on the incident (see below).






    In Science, we created series circuits with components we hadn't used before, including a buzzer and a motor. 

    We are now planning our electrical toys that we will create in Science in the coming weeks .




    In Art, we have been practising our watercolour painting by painting watercolour flowers. We also studied the painting 'The Annunciation' by Rossetti. 


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  • Week beginning 22nd January

    Published 24/01/24, by Ash Kirwan

    Above - winners of our quiz! We complete 3 to 4 quizzes a week retrieving knowledge from across all our subjects to keep the knowledge fresh in our minds. Well done to these three superstars!

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  • Week beginning 15th January 2024

    Published 17/01/24, by Ash Kirwan

    It's been an electrifying week in the Inspire Suite - full of lightbulb moments as we conducted an experiment to see how the voltage in a circuit affected the brightness of the bulb. We learned about creating a fair test and having controlled variables in order to focus our test on the brightness of the bulb.  

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