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Spring 2 - Week 1 Learning

The children have come back from their week's break ready to learn, and we have started our new topics!


In Maths, we finished our last week of learning about Fractions. We consolidated our understanding of multiplying a mixed number by an integer, recognised fraction operators and found fractions of an amount and quantity!

In English,  we completed writing therapies based on our PIXL assessments. We focused on capital letters and proper nouns, different sentence types and even wrote our own poems based on prepositions!













We started our new Science topic on Forces. We learnt that forces are pushing and pulling and drew the effects forces have on objects: changing direction, changing shape, increasing speed and decreasing speed!

















We began our worldview of Christianity in RE and the importance of destiny and free will in making our own choices. 

In D.T we started our unit of sewing bags. We learnt about different techniques used to decorate fabrics and compared different bags.











In Spellings, we've been focusing on the Year 5/6 Spelling list and we enjoyed our polygon words to make new words.

Finally, we ended the week with our PSHE topic of Smoking. We spoke about the effects of both smoking and vaping on the body.  We then discussed the differences and similarities of how vaping and smoking are portrayed in the media and within communities.