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  • Summer 2 - Week 5 Learning & Achievements

    Published 05/07/24, by Jess Edgeley

    We have had such a busy week in Class Lewis - a Roarsome trip to visit the Dino-mite Dinosaurs, met our new teachers for Year 6, competed in races for Sports Day, had a picnic with Kings Oak and our own special Year 5 graduation! Due to all these different events and the children adapting so well, everyone was a Narnia Dojo Champion this week!

    In Maths, we continued our learning of decimals and identified and created decimal sequences.

    In English, we had an experience day where Miss Edgeley was King George III, and we created a bank of vocabulary to describe how he would be feeling and the actions he would take against the highwayman.

    In Science, we continued to be weather reporters and reported how thunder and lightning were made.

    In RE, we continued our worldview of Christianity and had to order the most-least important ways we could show commitment to God. We then answered an email from a couple who were worried that not going to church every day meant they could not show commitment. We gave them advice on ways they can show commitment without visiting places of worship.
















    In PSHE, we continued our topic of Changing Me. We were looking forward to our teenage years and discussed the negatives of growing older, such as mood changes and physical changes to our body, more worries about self-esteem and confidence, but also the positives of being able to find a job and earn money and having more responsibility. We then designed our own birthday cards to give advice to a teenager!

    In Geography, we analysed the results from our survey (thank you so much parents for completing them for us)

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  • Summer 2 - Week 4 Learning & Achievements

    Published 28/06/24, by Jess Edgeley

    Another busy week in Class Lewis - more learning and more achievements. So proud of all these pupils who have achieved their 50-point reading certificate and are one step away from gaining their 60-point and new book!

    In Maths, we continued our topic of decimals. We added and subtracted decimals with different number of places and used efficient strategies such as rounding, mental arithmetic and number lines to add and subtract.

    In English, we continued our sentence stacking based on the poem The Highwayman.

    In Science, we continued being weather reporters and reported on the cold and wet front found in the UK.

    In RE, we continued our worldview of Christianity and how different practices show their commitment to God.
    This can be through prayer, Communion, visiting the place of worship and rites of passage such as baptism.

    In Geography, we first identified an issue in our local area we would like to study in more detail. We chose traffic as it creates air pollution, damage to the ozone layer and the environment. We spoke about ways we can collect data, such as interviewing teachers who drive, tallying the number of cars that pass the school or give surveys to parents. Then, as a class, we created our own survey which we gave out to parents. We can't wait to find out the results!

















    We also spoke to Councillor Alexandra Ware - councillor of Gaywood Clock Ward and Councillor Simon Ring - Deputy leader of the council and councillor of the Woottons about local issues and what they can do to help us.

    In RSHE, we continued our topic of Changing Me and this lesson focused on sexual intercourse. In groups, we created a diamond of the most important-least important criteria needed to have a baby and then identified true or false statements about sexual intercourse. Again, I'm incredibly proud of the mature approach and questions the children asked.

    We visited the Spark Lab with Mr Young and have continued to plan and finish our project!

    In D. T we wrote out our recipe ready to bake our honey muffins in a few weeks!

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  • Summer 2 - Week 3 Learning & Achievements

    Published 21/06/24, by Jess Edgeley

    We've had another jam-packed week of learning and lots of achievements to celebrate. So incredibly proud of all the children for winning the Behaviour Cup and showing high standards of behaviour - keep this up!

    In Maths, we continued with our topic of decimals.

    In English, we continued to develop our rich vocabulary through sentence stacking based on the poem The Highwayman.

    In Science, we continued to be weather reporters and focused on the six different air masses in the UK. We learnt that the continental air mass meant it came from continuous land and maritime air masses come from the sea.

    In Geography, we ventured to Oak Circle to draw a sketch map of the surrounding area.















    In RE, we continued our worldview of Christianity. We had five different biographies of prominent figures and had to discuss which qualities of commitment they presented.

    In D. T, we continued our unit of Honey Cake by further expanding our learning of bees and the role they play in producing honey.

    In RSHE, we continued our topic of Changing Me by focusing on puberty in boys. We spoke about the changes boys go through and the definition of these changes. Again, I'm very proud of the children for their mature approach!

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  • Summer 2 - Week 2 Learning & Achievements

    Published 14/06/24, by Jess Edgeley

    I'm so proud of the children this week - we have undertaken our last set of PiXL assessments and the children have made such great progress and showcased their knowledge. I'm looking forward to celebrating their achievements soon! There were not just one, two or three Narnia Dojo Champions... there were four! Well done to all pupils for their hard work in Assessment Week and being overall superstars!


    We started our new topic of decimals and used our number bonds to add and subtract decimals within 1. 


    We looked at the ozone layer and the impact humans have had on the atmosphere. We addressed ways we could help.


    We continued our worldview of Christianity and put the Ten Commandments in the order we found most-least important.


    This week we focused on puberty for girls. We spoke about the menstruation cycle and the products girls can use during menstruation. We then answered worries girls may have around periods. Incredibly proud of the mature approach and discussion the children had! 

    Spark Lab:

    We began planning our project with Mr Young. We used programmes such as Sphero and Dash and Dot.


    This week we were able to showcase our final art piece at the school art exhibition. Our final art piece was centred on Andy Warhol's Popart. We used different colours for our portraits.

    D. T:

    We created our Father's Day cards and rosettes. We hope that you all have a lovely Father's Day!








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  • Summer 2 - Week 1 Learning & Achievements

    Published 07/06/24, by Jess Edgeley

    An amazing first week back in our final half-term together. We have started our new topics and celebrated some amazing achievements. Incredibly proud of all these pupils for achieving their 30-point reading certificate. Halfway to their new book!

    In Maths, we finished our topic of Position and Direction. We translated shapes and coordinates, found the lines of symmetry and used mirrors for reflection.
























    In English, we started our new Writing Scheme and are focusing on The Highwayman. We found the shape of the poem, had two experience days learning about highwaymen and the crimes they committed, alongside learning about their mode of transport (horses). We then completed our first sentence stacking lesson - so much rich vocabulary!




























    In Science, we became weather reporters for our new topic of meteorology. We learnt about the five different layers of the atmosphere: troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere. 

    In Computing, we began our new topic of creating media. We used our iPad to create a vector drawing - using different shapes and colours to form a complete image of a house. We then took part in our Spark Lab lesson with Mr Young. We used ChatGPT to create a list of questions and worked in pairs with dash and dot.





















    In RE, we started our new worldview of Christianity. We learnt of a true story in World War II of two sisters who protected Jews by hiding them in their houses. We explored how their Christian beliefs and commitment to God made them feel about this.

    In Geography, we began our study of the local area. We learnt about the role local councillors play in looking after our local area. We identified 3 main issues in our local area and where they can be found.

    In D. T, we began our honey cake unit. Before we prepare our recipe and bake, we learn more about honey - how it is made and the benefits it has.

    In RSHE, we began our topic of Changing Me. We focused on our body-image and self-esteem. The children discussed the positive and negative qualities they felt about themselves and how we can use positive affirmations to increase our self-esteem. I'm incredibly proud of the mature approach and discussion the children had!

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  • Summer 1 Week 6 Learning & Achievements

    Published 24/05/24, by Jess Edgeley

    Class Lewis have ended their final week of Summer 1 with many achievements and learning consolidated. Extremely proud of the children for winning the Behaviour Cup. On Tuesday, we visited the Stories of Lynn and West Lynn Museum to consolidate our learning on the Victorians. The children became witnesses and examined local court documents; took part in prison activities; learnt about the role of a Victorian police officer and visited the treasury. They were also able to handle everyday Victorian objects; made Victorian delicacies and took part in a Victorian school lesson. Very proud of their knowledge and engagement on the school trip!





























    In Maths, we finished our topic of Shape by identifying regular and irregular polygons, and identifying 3D shapes. We then began our new topic of position and direction by reading, plotting and problem-solving with coordinates! Well done to our Blooket Podium winners for coordinates!
























    In PSHE, we continued our topic of Relationships and, in particular, our relationships with technology and gaming. We discussed the positives and negatives of playing online, and in groups created our own instructions and features for online games to make them safer. We recognised the physical, social, mental and emotional signs of too much screen time and provided our own solutions for different scenarios. Finally, we learnt about the SMARRT rules of staying safe online and created our own poster!














    In Computing, we finished our topic of Databases by using Expedia to answer questions.









    In RE, we finished our worldview of Judaism by choosing a story we found meaningful in the Torah and drew a visual representation.

    In Science and History, we consolidated our learning of Astronomy and Victorians by filling in the blanks of our knowledge organisers and multiple choice questions. Well done to this pupil for her extra work on our topic!





    In Spanish, we finished our topic of the cafeteria by assessing our speaking, listening, reading and writing!

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  • Summer 1 Week 5 Learning & Achievements

    Published 17/05/24, by Jess Edgeley

    We've had another busy week in Class Lewis - lots of beautiful work produced and lots of achievements to celebrate.
    Well done to the whole class for achieving their 20-point reading certificate - clear to see we love reading in 5Ed!


    In English, we revised, edited and published our creative writing pieces based on Oliver Twist. We used ambitious language choices, relative clauses, parenthesis and personification to write an opening, build up and climax! Well done to our Kahoot Podium winners too for their knowledge of adverbial phrases.

    In Maths, we used protractors to draw lines and angles accurately, calculated angles around a point and on a straight line, and found the length and angles in shapes.










    In Science, we finished our last lesson on Astronomy by drawing and defining different parts of our Solar System: galaxy, star, supercluster and galaxy cluster.
    Well done to this pupil who created a crochet Saturn - lovely to see you engaged in your learning!















    In Computing, we continued to use the Titanic database to help us present data visually.
    We identified which charts were best suited, what information would be on the axes and if we had to use search.

    In RE, we continued our worldview of Judaism. We explained how the sacred books of the Talmud, Torah and Tanakh, with their stories impact on the life of Jews today.

    In Spanish, we continued our learning of the cafeteria.
    We learnt the currency in Spain is euros and cents, and used our knowledge of numbers to ask for the bill using please and thank you.

    In Art, we learnt how a relief print was made. We focussed on Hokusai's Mount Fuji and wrote what we could see, guess and know.

    Before our afternoon of the House Football Tournament, the children enjoyed creating banners for their Harry Potter houses!

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  • Summer 1 - Week 4 Learning & Achievements

    Published 10/05/24, by Jess Edgeley

    Another hard-working week in Class Lewis - lots to celebrate, especially with the Sun making an appearance! Incredibly proud of these pupils who participated in the Mini Gear last weekend - not only working hard inside of school, but outside too!

    In Maths, we finished our topic of Statistics by reading and interpreting timetables. We then started our new topic of Shape by understanding and using degrees, classifying and estimating angles!






    We continued our creative writing topic of Oliver Twist and used thesauruses to find up-levelled descriptive words to describe how Oliver and his friends were hungry. We then planned the build-up using prepositional phrases and then wrote our build-up, ensuring we used ambitious vocabulary, prepositional openers, relative clauses and parenthesis!

    We continued to be Astronomers in Science and focussed on the eight lunar phases. We learnt that a New Moon is when there is no Moon in the sky, even when it is clear; if the Moon is waxing, it is more visible and if the Moon is waning, it is less visible.
















    In History, we continued our topic of Victorians.
    This week we focused on the Great Exhibition created by Prince Albert, held in Hyde Park, London.
    We learnt this event was hosted from 1st May 1851 - 15th October 1851 and was the world's first international display of manufacturing and design. 

    We continued our worldview of Judaism and focussed on Kushrut and Kosher - the dietary laws Jews have to follow and Treif - the forbidden foods. We looked at these laws in both the Deuteronomy and Exodus, and how these laws impact the life of Jews today.

    In Computing, we used databases to find information about the Titanic.
    We used 'And' and 'Or' to help us find different fields of data such as survivors, their class, gender and location of boarding.
















    We then flew to Spain to continue our understanding of the cafeteria.
    We learnt how to ask for the bill, how to say goodbye and thank you. We then wrote our own conversation to order and then used the plural to order different quantities of food and drink.

    Finally, in PSHE, we continued our topic of Relationships. This week we focused on our rights and responsibilities in an online community. We discussed the different social networks and communities and then had a list of different communities. We spoke about whom the group is targeted for, who it would attract and the risks of being in that group.

    We love using Blooklets to consolidate our learning. A huge well done to our podium winners!









    Mrs T & I are very proud of this week's Golden Pupil. She is always producing beautiful standards of work and has adopted such a positive attitude towards school life - keep this up superstar! We are also incredibly proud of this week's Star of the Week. She wrote an amazing piece of English work using challenging vocabulary, is striving to become more independent and persevering even when she finds things difficult - an absolute transformation in confidence!















    Well done to this pupil who won the whole school Spelling Bee award! She is using her phonics knowledge to help sound out words and then using thesauruses to check her spelling.

    It's always lovely to see new faces each week - well done to this week's ReadTheory double whammy winner for taking the most quizzes and earning the most knowledge points!

    The number keeps getting bigger each week - 86% of the class achieving full marks on their times table test. An amazing achievement!

    Finally, well done to King Edmund for securing a third week on the throne as Narnia Dojo Champions with 214 Dojos earned!

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  • Summer 1 - Week 3 Learning & Achievements

    Published 03/05/24, by Jess Edgeley

    This week, witches, wizards and muggles united to celebrate Harry Potter Day! Thank you parents for your support and amazing costumes! Well done to our two witches for being the best dressed and hardest worker in Class Lewis!


















    We have had another busy week of learning in Class Lewis and some excellent work was produced! In Maths, we started our new topic of statistics. We have drawn and interpreted line graphs, read and interpreted tables and focussed on two-way tables.




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  • Summer 1 - Week 2 Learning & Achievements

    Published 26/04/24, by Jess Edgeley

    Another jam-packed and amazing week in Class Lewis for both learning and achievements!

    This week in PSHE, we continued our learning of relationships and extended it into gaming communities. The children were given a handful of statements and had to decide whether they were safe, unsafe or not sure. We then took a quiz on age restrictions and then discussed why we had age restrictions, why they are important and ways we can stay responsible and safe both online and on phones.

    In Maths, we finished our topic of perimeter and area. We consolidated our understanding of the area of rectangles, compound shapes and estimated area.







    In English, we continued our creative writing unit on Oliver Twist. We analysed the two contrasting characters of Oliver (a character who is naive, vulnerable and a victim) with Mr Bumble (a villain with no morals and who is corrupt). We generated words and phrases to describe Victorian London using our 5 senses, identified the features of a narrative - using drama to rehearse the introduction, build-up and climax of the first two chapters of Oliver Twist, and finally used subordinate clauses, subject and verb and parenthesis to create sentences to describe the setting and characters! 






























    In Science, we continued our learning of Astronomy and learnt what orbiting is. We discovered that orbiting is moving and the Moon orbits the Earth every month and the Earth orbits the Sun every year!

    In Art, we focused on screen-printing through Andy Warhol's Pop Art. The children created their own stencils ready to make their own screen prints next week.

    In computing, we continued our learning of databases through using computer-based and paper databases to find information. We then compared both, finding advantages and disadvantages.










    In Spanish, we found even more food and drink to eat in the cafeteria - yum!

    In RE, we continued our worldview of Judaism. This week we focused on Shabbat and the importance of this day of rest. We learnt about the 5 main Jewish communities and compared Shabbat for the Orthodox and Reform Jews. 

    In History, we continue our learning of the Victorians through industrialisation and the impact urbanisation had. We looked locally at the Norwich slums and wrote about how life would have been for them, including the lack of sanitation, the migration to cities and the spread of diseases such as cholera!

    In PE, we continued cricket with the ICS coaches, and we enjoyed Dance with Mrs Whybourn!

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  • Summer 1 - Week 1 Learning & Achievements

    Published 19/04/24, by Jess Edgeley

    What a fantastic first week back we've had in Class Lewis - lots of new learning and achievements! Incredibly proud of you all this week as we won the Attendance Cup - amazing to see you all coming into school every day and loving your learning.


    In Maths, we have started our new topic of Area and Perimeter. This week we've focused on the perimeter of rectangles, rectilinear shapes and polygons. Some great presentation in our books!

    In English, we published our balanced arguments on slavery from our Transatlantic Slave Trade unit from last half-term. Some beautiful pieces of writing!  We then began our creative writing unit on Oliver Twist. We created mind-maps of Charles Dickens, focusing on his life and the historical context of Oliver Twist, highlighted the key themes found in the first chapter: criminality, poverty, class, religion, identity and contrasting regions, and then analysed an extract by using conjunctions to explain why life was hard for Oliver Twist. 













    In History, we began our topic of Victorians by studying Queen Victoria and created our own timeline of the significant events in her life, such as her 60+ year reign as the second-longest reigning monarch of all time, her marriage to Prince Albert and becoming the Empress of India and expanding the British Empire.

    In Art, we have started printmaking. We focused on Industry and Ideliness by Hogarth, who created prints that commented on the society of London in the 18th Century. We annotated the image by saying what we could see, guess and know. We then created our stencils ready to make our monoprint.

    In Spanish, we have identified different foods and drinks found in a cafeteria - yummy!

    In Computing, we learnt how a database is a collection of data. We researched 4 animals and recorded if they had 6 legs, could fly, if they had more than 1 colour and lived in large groups. From sorting through our data and ordering data alphabetically, we were then able to identify animals that could fly and animals which had 6 legs.

    In PSHE, we have started our new topic of Relationships. As a class, we created our own definitions of personality and self-esteem. We then drew a photo of ourselves and around it wrote our own positive personal qualities that make us - us!

    Finally, in RE we started our new worldview of Judaism. This week we have focused on diversity and have created posters of all the different groups we belong in, inviting others to join us. This has ranged from dancing, gaming, animals and swimming. Some very inventive posters!











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  • Spring 2 Week 5 Learning & Achievements

    Published 28/03/24, by Jess Edgeley

    Our final week of this term, and we have managed to squeeze in so much learning and fun! For the past five weeks, we have been going swimming, and we have all made progress - from overcoming fear of water up to swimming 25m front and back. Each child has their own special swimming certificate for their achievements - very proud of you all!

    In English, we have carried on our balanced argument of abolishing slavery. We wrote reasons for and against it, alongside our concluding paragraph where we gave our own opinion and answered the question 'Should slavery be abolished?'










    In Maths, we finished our topic of decimals by finding percentages as decimals and then found equivalent fractions, decimals and percentages.








    In Science, we finished our final lesson on forces by drawing gears, pulleys and leavers and explaining what their purpose is and examples of them.







    We finished our worldview of Christianity by considering all the evidence we have learnt this half-term - if Jesus knew he was going to be betrayed and the importance of destiny and free will.

    In PSHE, we finished our learning of Healthy Me by creating our own healthy meals by considering prep and total time, servings and instructions.






    In History, we finished our topic of the Transatlantic Slave Trade by learning about four famous abolitionists: Elizabeth Heyrick, Thomas Clarkson, William Wilberforce and Olaudah Equino and the tactics they used to raise awareness.

    We also created our own fact file about Thomas Clarkson - researching his birth, family, education, death, legacy and how his tactics of showing the equipment used on slaves and testimonials were important in the abolition of slavery.





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