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Spring 1 - Week 3 - Learning & Achievements

Here is Year 4's learning and achievements from this week:


Maths: We continued with our learning of multiplication and division. This week we identified and used factor pairs and multiplied by 10 and 100.

English: We continued our sentence stacking based on our book The Whale. We also took part in an experience day related to our main character Lucy - building our own rafts!


Science: We learnt that living things depend on each other within an ecosystem and how there can be both positive and negative impacts.

History: We continued our learning of Ancient Rome by focusing on Roman society and how it became a republic. We learnt the ordering of society, starting with the consul (two members elected annually to run the city), senators (up to 300 who have the post for life and advise the consul), patricians (wealthy men who own land and money), plebeians (who are poor and do not own property) and slaves (owned and undertook most manual work).

Geography: We continued our learning of Eastern Europe by focusing on the climate. We learn that there are different climates in Eastern Europe and countries closer to the North Pole are colder, whereas countries closer to the Equator are warmer. We also learnt the climate in Eastern Europe is continental. 

RE: We continued our study of Buddhism by speaking about Anicca (change). We spoke about changes in our lives and how this made us feel.









PSHE: We continued our learning of Dreams and Goals. This week we focused on how sometimes our dreams and goals do not come true, but spoke about being resilient when this doesn't happen.

Guided Reading: We explored new vocabulary and answered retrieval questions based on Awesome Series – Dick Kerr Girls Football.

Handwriting: We finished our studying of hard letters z, f and x.

Spellings: We focused on the spelling rules s, and es.

PE: We began handball with Mr Watson.

We are so proud of our Star of the Week for always presenting her work to a high standard, tackling her writing more independently and utilising every learning opportunity to maximise her progress - keep this up superstar!

We are so proud of our Star of the Week for working so hard on his presentation and using his sounds to improve on his spelling and reading his work back to us!

Lovely to see a new face - well done to this pupil for achieving the double whammy of most quizzes taken, and most knowledge points earned on ReadTheory this week!

Well done AGAIN to Yellow Sunflowers for being the winning flower team this week and earning the most Dojos!

We were all awarded a certificate for taking part in the Rudolph Run at Christmas to raise money for Tapping House.

Finally, well done to this pupil for earning a prestigious fidget spinner for all her extra practice of timetables at home! It is great to see you taking on extra learning opportunities at home - we are proud of your ambition!