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Autumn 2 - Week 5 Learning & aCHIEVEMENTS

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in Year 4!

Maths: We continued our learning of times tables, focusing on consolidating the 9x tables and the 7x tables.

English: We finished our sentence stacking for our newspaper report and created our narrative map.

Spanish: We learnt about fruits.

Geography: We learnt about food and farming in the Mediterranean.


We are so proud of our Celebration Assembly winner, who also won the proud cloud for building her resilience and adopting a more mature attitude towards learning!

Well done Red Roses for being the winning Dojo team this week!

We are so proud of our Star of the Week for an improved attitude to his learning and completing work to a good standard! 

Finally, we are so proud of these pupils for completing extra work at both school and home for their timetables and handwriting!