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Read on to find out what Year 3 have been up to this week....

In maths, we have continued to practice our timetables, building upon our knowledge of the 3, 4 and 8 times tables. We have practised multiplication, division and addition and have applied our knowledge to create fact families, arrays and number lines. 

In English, we have continued our sentence stacking lessons, writing about The Magic Paintbrush. We have been using inverted commas to show dialogue, noun phrases and verbs to show Shen's frustration.

In Science, we have been looking at food chains, focusing on key vocabulary such as consumer, predator, prey and decomposers.  We created our own food chain.

In History, we looked at the Romans and how Rome was a great location for the Roman Empire.

PE we have been creating a routine for Matila and really getting into the characters' roles. In handball, we've been practising our shoulder throw, chest pass and dribbling.