Read on to find out what Year 3 have been up to this week....
Maths - In maths we continued to look at multiplication, focussing on recapping the 5 and 10 times tables, making equal groups using sharing and grouping and then began to learn our 3 times tables.
English- Sentence stacking lessons. We have started to write sentences based on our class book named 'The Magic Paintbrush.' The skills we have practised are dialogue, Imperative verb, repetition and similes.
Science - Looking at habitats, what the habitat is and also where we might find microhabitats. Each child was able to pick a habitat to research and draw a labelled diagram of.
Geography - beginning our work on Eastern Europe by looking at the Baltic and Balkan areas within Eastern Europe. The children began to identify these areas on a map using an atlas. We also looked at the physical geography, and we can use an atlas to identify these features.
RSHE- Year 3 spoke about their hopes and dreams for the future.
RE- What makes the world a wonderful place? We had some lovely ideas, such as our friends, family, nature, sunsets, rainbows and many more.
Music- Year 3 really enjoyed finding the beat and practising our singing.
We have also been practising our daily handwriting, spellings and timetables.