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  • Week beginning 17th June

    Published 24/06/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    Summer 2 Week 2  Another busy week of Summer term!

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    Published 04/06/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    The first week back, ready for 6 and a half more weeks of learning! 

    English - We have started reading ' The Last Bear' and have had an experience day where we used VR headsets to imagine what life would be like on the Arctic. We also researched Bear Island and the Arctic to find out some more information to help us visualise what life what be like. 

    Maths - Started our new topic about angles. We have looked at right angles and turns. We have also practised some arithmetic questions in preparation for assessment week.

    Computing  - Compared different symbols to see how images and text can help us understand what they mean.

    PSHE - Looked at how different animals and how humans change from being a baby to an adult.

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  • Week beginning 27th may 2024

    Published 04/06/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    A very busy week before half-term!

    Maths  - We continued to practice telling the time, we converted minutes to seconds, minutes to hours and hours to days. We also looked at units of time and dicussed which unit of time would be the best measurement for different activities. We have enjoyed using the small clocks to make it more practical.

    English -  We practised GPS questions using PIXL - We looked at noun phrases, adjectives, adverbs and using suffixes.

    Geography - We finished our unit on rivers by creating  a double page spread on what we have learn. Some of the work looked incredible!

    PSHE - We celebrated the relationships that we have and wrote some sentences to say what we are thankful for.


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  • Week beginning 13th may

    Published 22/05/24, by Phoebe Bunker
    In English, we have completed a wonderful narrative piece of writing about Peter Pan.  We have practised using inverted commas to show the speech of the different characters and have been using fronted adverbials and adjectives to add further de
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  • Week beginning 15th march

    Published 22/04/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    Week beginning 14th March 2024 .

    The first week  back after Easter! 

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  • world book day 7th March 2024

    Published 22/03/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    What a fun World Book day we had!

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  • w.b 18th March 2024

    Published 22/03/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    This week we have had another busy of week of learning!

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  • Week beginning 5th February

    Published 07/02/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    A busy week of assessments!

    Well done to all children who have made lots of incredible progress on their assessments, you have all done amazingly!!

    Internet safety week:
    We have also discussed how we can be safe online and also how we can make the online world a kinder place. To summarise our learning we created some posters to teach others about how to stay safe online. 

    History:  We have continued our learning about the Anglo Saxons and are now learning about the invasion of the Vikings.

    Art: We are looking at sculptures and have been explaining what we think different sculptures around Norfolk might be and have had a go at sketching our own sculptures.

    Science: We conducted our first investigation about light and shadows. We used an object outside and measured the length of the shadow throughout the day.


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  • Week beginning 29th January

    Published 31/01/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    We have been visiting the Spark lab on a Wednesday afternoon to practice coding,

    In art, we have been getting very messy and have been using salt dough to create a sculpture of a manikin sitting on a chair.


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  • Week Beginning 21 January

    Published 26/01/24, by Phoebe Bunker
    This week we have painted our penguins. They look incredible!  In maths, we have been using base 10 to support us when using a formal method of division - the bus stop method. In science we used spoons to look at our reflections and di
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  • Week beginning 15th January

    Published 22/01/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    We started our art unit on sculptures. This week we have created a sculpture of a penguin and have began the process of painting it.

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