In English, we have been continuing with our sentence stacking lessons, where we have been looking at things, including feelings, cohesion, adjectives, inverted commas, fronted adverbials and more. We took on a challenge as part of an experience day when the children had to problem-solve to create a boat that would float for 20 seconds.

In Maths, we have looked at efficient multiplication, where children have been partitioning numbers and then multiplying the numbers by a single digit and adding the answer together. Pupils have looked at reasoning and problem-solving and identifying other efficient ways to work out the calculation.
In Religious Education, we have continued to look at Buddhism. This week focused on The Buddha and the Angry Elephant, where pupils answered questions based on a story which looked at selfishness and compassion.
In PSHE, we have looked at dreams and goals and this week focused on disappointment, why we might be disappointed, advice to give to people when they are feeling disappointed.
In Science, we have identified what an ecosystem is, the importance of an ecosystem and what happens if a living thing or non-living is no longer in the ecosystem.
In History, we looked at Pompeii and the eruption at Mount Vesuvius. We discussed the evidence left behind and why this is important. We looked at what Pompeii was like before the eruption.