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  • Week Beginning 3rd March 2025

    Published 05/03/25, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    In Geography, we have started looking at Northern Ireland. This week focussed on Northern Ireland and learning about tourism. Pupils were able to learn about the history of Northern Ireland and what tourists like about Northern Ireland.

    In History, pupils looked at Julius Ceasar, learnt about his assassination and his life. 

    In Maths, we have been looking at dividing by exchanging and without exchanging.

    In P.E - pupils have continued their learning of football where they have been learning the rules and certain techniques. The children experienced mini-football matches.

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  • Week Beginning 24/02/25

    Published 26/02/25, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    In English, we have looked at a poem, 'Still I Rise', by Maya Angelou. The pupils have learnt what the shapes are and have been looking at creating a poster all about the author of the poem.

    In PSHE, we have looked at friendships and how we make different friendships and why it is important to have different friendships.

    In History, we are looking at the Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, where this week's focus was on the Punic wars where pupils wrote about when they happened and what happened. 

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  • Week Beginning 10th February 2025

    Published 14/02/25, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    It has been a busy last week of term. 

    In PSHE, the children were set a team work challenge where they had to work together to design and make the funniest potato head. They had a range of resources to use and had to communicate with their team about the best way to complete the challenge. 

    In art, children have completed two pieces of artwork. One was based on 'The Fall of Icarus' and 'The Munch'. The children used complementary colours, discussed the design, identified the line, shape, form and colour. The children used different shapes to create their own artwork for 'The Fall of Icarus'. They then used watercolours to create the background of their artwork inspired by 'The Munch' They created their own drawings of someone screaming. 














    In Computing, pupils use turtle academy to program a turtle, programming letters, looking at patterns and repeats, as well as using loops to create shapes.

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  • Week Beggining 03/02/25

    Published 06/02/25, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    In R.E we have been looking at Buddhism. We looked at three different stories throughout the unit. In this lesson, the children have to look at which story they are going to choose and write about what the story teaches people, how this story can make the world a better place, why it was their favourite story and how it makes a difference to Buddhists.

    In English, we have started planning and writing our story based on 'The Whale'. This week, pupils have recapped skills that we have used in our sentence stacking lessons using their whiteboards to create sentences with the skills that we have looked at.

    In Maths, we have been looking at multiplying without and with exchanging using the column method. 

    In Science, we have been looking at how people have changed the local environment. The children have been discussing Florence Field and the impact this will have on our local area.

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  • Week Beginning 27th January 2025

    Published 30/01/25, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    This week has been a busy week when we have been completing our assessments. The children have been working hard on these in Maths, Grammar, Spelling and Reading.

    In Geography, we have continued to look at Eastern Europe and compare the United Kingdom and Lithuania. The children used their ipads to find out key information about these two countries. 

    In History, we have been looking at leisure activities that Roman people used to do, looking at key historical facts of what the Amphitheatre and the Colosseum were used for. Pupils also looked at the public baths and how people would meet their friends, exercise and clean themselves.

    In Science, we have looked at the impact that air pollution has on the environment.

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  • Week Beginning 20th January 2025

    Published 24/01/25, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    In English, we have been continuing with our sentence stacking lessons, where we have been looking at things, including feelings, cohesion, adjectives, inverted commas, fronted adverbials and more. We took on a challenge as part of an experience day when the children had to problem-solve to create a boat that would float for 20 seconds. 

    In Maths, we have looked at efficient multiplication, where children have been partitioning numbers and then multiplying the numbers by a single digit and adding the answer together. Pupils have looked at reasoning and problem-solving and identifying other efficient ways to work out the calculation.

    In Religious Education, we have continued to look at Buddhism. This week focused on The Buddha and the Angry Elephant, where pupils answered questions based on a story which looked at selfishness and compassion.

    In PSHE, we have looked at dreams and goals and this week focused on disappointment, why we might be disappointed, advice to give to people when they are feeling disappointed.

    In Science, we have identified what an ecosystem is, the importance of an ecosystem and what happens if a living thing or non-living is no longer in the ecosystem.

    In History, we looked at Pompeii and the eruption at Mount Vesuvius. We discussed the evidence left behind and why this is important. We looked at what Pompeii was like before the eruption.

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  • Week Beginning 13th January

    Published 16/01/25, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    In Maths, we have been continuing with our learning on multiplication and division, where we have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. We have looked at factor pairs, reasoning about multiplication and multiplying 3 numbers.

    In Geography, we have been looking at Eastern Europe, where we have identified the Balkan and Baltic countries. 

    In English, we have continued looking at the Whale and completing our sentence stacking lessons where pupils have looked at similes, inner thoughts, noun phrases, personification, fronted adverbials, adjectives and have created sentences. 

    In R.E we have continued looking at Buddhism, where pupils have focused on change this week. Pupils have then drawn pictures and written about a positive change that has happened in their life.

    In History, pupils have looked at Roman society during the Roman Republic, where they created a societal diagram showing the different members of Roman Society. 

    In PSHE, pupils have looked at hopes and dreams where they have discussed how they could achieve their dream and looked at key messages of never giving up and showing resilience despite any challenges they may face when trying to achieve the hopes and dreams.

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  • Week Beginning 7th January

    Published 10/01/25, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    We have had a busy first week back at school. The children have been swimming this week, where they all worked very hard. 

    In English, we have been looking at 'The Whale', where the children had an experience day when they researched different whales and created posters. The children have also looked at the main character of the book, which is Lucy, and identified from her appearance what an adventurer/explorer would look like and bring to support the adventure.

     In Maths, the children looked at the 11 timestables, 12 timestables, multiplying and dividing by 1 and 0. 

    In Science, the children have started a new unit of work based on Ecology. This week's focus was to research different habitats, looking at the animals and plants that live there, the weather and more.

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  • Week Beginning 16/12/24

    Published 18/12/24, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    This week we have finished editing and writing up our newspaper reports based on the Wizard of Once.

    In PSHE, we have been looking at celebrating differences where the pupils have looked at assumptions, bullying, problem-solving and understanding differences.

    In Science, pupils have looked at non-flowering and flowering plants.

    We have also had many exciting activities go on this week with the children visiting the panto, having Christmas performances, Christmas lunch and Christmas parties.

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  • Week beginning 9/12/24

    Published 16/12/24, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    Years 3 and 4 had an Ancient Greek Day when they were able to be soldiers for the day. They learnt facts about Ancient Greece, looked at swords, armour, artefacts, and they were able to learn about the experience that soldiers faced.

    Pupils had the opportunity to design and create their own token, necklace and wear armour and use shields. It was an enjoyable day for everyone.

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  • Week beginning 2nd December

    Published 09/12/24, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    As a class, we made apple crumble. Pupils were able to learn to chop up butter, weigh the ingredients, peel the apples and learn the recipe to make the apple crumble. Pupils then got to taste the apple crumble, where they then evaluated how they had made it, what they would do differently, what it tasted like and what it looked like.

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  • Week beginning 25/11/24

    Published 08/12/24, by Alicia Ketteringham McCourt

    In Maths, we have moved onto multiplication and division, where pupils have looked at sharing, grouping and now looking at timestables. Pupils have had to reason and problem-solving involving sharing, grouping and their timestables. 


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