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   Week beginning 17.6.24  This week we had some lovely sunny weather, which encouraged lots of fantastic wildlife to our Forest school,


     We saw some pheasants, squirrels, deer, robins, a honey bee, a jay, a wagtail, and we were lucky enough to see a speckled wood butterfly too!


   We helped a bee!



   We spent some time this week looking at all of our beautiful trees in Forest school and learning their names (recognising them from their leaves).
They give us brilliant shade and help us keep cool in the very sunny warm weather.



  We used the leaves to make these great leaf animals!



    We used plasticine to make our favourite minibeasts and animals. We used some natural items found at Forest school for some of our creations too!
We also made some great creations, including Forest School craft items and dancing sticks.



We also enjoyed the mud kitchen, slackline, bug hunting and climbing trees!