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February 2024

  • Week beginning 5th February

    Published 07/02/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    A busy week of assessments!

    Well done to all children who have made lots of incredible progress on their assessments, you have all done amazingly!!

    Internet safety week:
    We have also discussed how we can be safe online and also how we can make the online world a kinder place. To summarise our learning we created some posters to teach others about how to stay safe online. 

    History:  We have continued our learning about the Anglo Saxons and are now learning about the invasion of the Vikings.

    Art: We are looking at sculptures and have been explaining what we think different sculptures around Norfolk might be and have had a go at sketching our own sculptures.

    Science: We conducted our first investigation about light and shadows. We used an object outside and measured the length of the shadow throughout the day.


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February 2024