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We are firmly committed to ensuring that all children have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. Our ethos and values contribute to making this objective a reality. These are outlined below:

  • All children have the right to attend a school that provides a safe, supportive and inspiring educational experience.
  • The Academy is a place where children progress academically, socially and morally.
  • All children have the right to aim high and be given the skills, knowledge and understanding needed to pursue their dreams and ambitions.
  • Academy staff, pupils, parents, governors and members of the local and wider community all have a vital role to play in the development and progression of our children.
  • Every one in our Academy is a learner; we progress together and in doing so continually strive to shift boundaries and exceed expectations, ultimately to the benefit of our children.

British Values Statement

Howard Junior School has British Values at the heart of its ethos and curriculum. We are dedicated to ensuring our pupils leave the school as independent and responsible citizens, whilst fulfilling our duty to promote British Values.

At Howard Junior School, we take every opportunity to promote the fundamental British values of:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty
  • Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

Actively promoting British Values also means challenging pupils, staff, parents or carers that may express opinions contrary to fundamental British Values, including extremist views.

Our school values encapsulate those of Britain. They are clear, unequivocal and phrased so that all our pupils can understand them. These are:

  • Humanity
  • Equality
  • Aspiration
  • Respect

Promoting Democracy

Howard Junior School has an active School Council, made up of elected pupils, who meet each half-term and inform decision-making around the school. Surveys of pupils, parents and staff are carried out annually to gather opinions about all aspects of the school and influence the school improvement plan.

As part of our SMSC, assemblies and lessons, pupils are given general knowledge of public institutions and services and how these are held to account. In all lessons, pupils are encouraged to express and argue their points of view in an atmosphere of respect.

Promoting the Rule of Law

Pupils are actively taught to distinguish between right and wrong and to make reparation as needed. Pupils are taught that there are positive and negative consequences of their actions and that breaking school rules has clear and predictable outcomes, as with British Law.

When the school rules are discussed, pupils can see how they are designed to protect everyone in the school community. We place an emphasis on sport and promoting the rules of team games.

Promoting Individual Liberty

Howard Junior School aims to help each and every pupil achieve self-confidence, initiative and independence. We actively teach pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour, as well as knowing their rights. We educate and provide boundaries for pupils to help them make informed choices, supported by a safe environment and an empowering education.

We challenge stereotypes in all areas of our curriculum and are truly inclusive, so that all pupils can participate fully in all areas of the curriculum, including opportunities where they can develop their understanding of important issues and debates. Bullying, though rare, is taken seriously and addressed swiftly.

Promoting respect and tolerance

Our curriculum and ethos promotes respect for individual differences. Religious Education and PSHCE for all pupils, along with other subjects including History, Geography, ICT, Design & Technology, MFL, Science, Maths, Music, Art, PE, STEM and English help pupils acquire an understanding of and respect for their own and others cultures and way of life.

Mutual respect: Our school ethos and behaviour policy has been developed around Core Values such as ‘Respect’ and pupils have been part of discussions and assemblies relating to what respect means and how it is shown. Posters around the school promote respect for others and this is reinforced through our classroom and learning rules, in addition to our behaviour policy. Pupils learn that their behaviour has an impact on their own rights, as well as those of others. Staff and pupils treat each other with respect.

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs: The school is a multicultural and multi-faith positive institution. We actively promote diversity through our celebrations of different cultures and faiths. Assemblies, Religious Education lessons and other lessons as appropriate reinforce the message of respect and tolerance for others. Members of different faiths and religions are encouraged to share their knowledge and experiences to enhance the learning within the school.