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Autumn 2 Learning:

This half-term is our favourite - the run-up to Christmas! The children will be celebrating Christmas through cross-curricular links such as music, with each class performing their own Christmas song for our school pantomime and creating Christmas cards and decorations in Art and D.T. We will also be attending Gaywood St Faith's church for our annual Christmas service and then inviting parents to join in with our annual carol service too! We will be dedicating a day and a half to our RE learning, with Christianity being the worldview studied.

In Years 3 and 4, pupils will answer the enquiry question: What is the most significant part of the nativity story for Christians today?

Pupils will investigate the significance and symbolism of elements of the Christmas story through:

  • Stable
  • Angels announcing to the shepherds
  • Magi/ wise men and their gifts
  • The star
  • The Christingle ("Christ-light")

In Years 5 and 6, pupils will answer the enquiry question: Do Christian celebrations and traditions help Christians understand who Jesus was and why he was born?

This enquiry investigates the relevance of modern day actions at Christmas to Christians today in regard to the Christian story. Pupils will explore in depth the concept of incarnation but also the awe and wonder of Christians about this at Christmas, that the God they believe made the Earth, chose to come to Earth as a tiny baby in order to save humanity. Pupils will make links to sacrifice and salvation from our previous Easter enquiries alongside considering commitment, studied previously in the Summer Term where some Christians commit to going to Church at Christmas even if that is the only time of the year they go.