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Autumn Term - 2024/25

Year 3 

This term, pupils will be looking at place value. They will look at comparing numbers to 1000 where they will use the vocabulary more than, less than, greater than or equal to, estimating numbers on a number line, representing numbers to 1000, partitioning numbers to 1000, counting in the 50s.
Pupils will focus on understanding the value of each digit in a number, identifying hundreds, tens and ones. 

Pupils will then move onto addition and subtraction where they will use their knowledge of place value to help them with adding and subtracting, hundreds, tens and ones. Pupils will look at subtracting and adding with exchanging.  Pupils will also be looking at the inverse. 


Year 4

Year 4 will be looking at place value where they will be comparing numbers to 10,000, understanding the place value of numbers up to 10,000, representing and partitioning these numbers. Pupils will also look at more than, less than or equal to when comparing numbers to 10,000. Pupils will also look at estimating numbers on a number line up to 10,000. As well as this, pupils will look at rounding to the nearest, 10, 100 or 1,000. 

Year 4 will then move onto addition and subtraction, where they will look at adding and subtracting 4-digit numbers with exchanging. 

Year 5

Year 5 will also look at place value where they will be looking at numbers up to 1,000,000. Pupils will look at extending the knowledge they have previously learnt, such as the skill of partitioning, where they will look at partitioning numbers up to 1,000,000 and consolidate their understanding of the value of each digit.  Pupils will look at reading and writing numbers up to 1,000,000. They will also use place value to find numbers 10/100/1,000/10,000/100,000, more or less than a given number. 
Pupils will build on their learning of comparing and ordering numbers in earlier years to compare and order numbers up to 100,000 and to 1,000,000. Pupils will then build on their knowledge of rounding to the nearest 10, 100, 1000 from the previous year and then round numbers beyond 10,000. Pupils will also look at numbers lines up to 1,000,000.

Pupils will also move onto addition and subtraction where they will look at mental strategies using prior learning of their knowledge of number bonds and place value to add and subtract. Pupils will revisit the column method for addition and learn to apply this method to add and subtract numbers with more than four digits. Pupils will also practise rounding in order to estimate answers. Pupils will also look at using the inverse operation to check their answers. Pupils will also look at multi-step addition and subtraction problems.

Year 6

Year 6 will start their maths learning, on Place Value where they will revisit numbers to 1,000,000 from Year 5, and then they will move onto exploring numbers up to 10,000,000 where they will also read and write the numbers. Pupils will then move onto powers of 10 where they will use their place value knowledge to identify integers. Pupils will then move onto exploring the number line to 10,000,000 and then onto comparing and ordering integers up to 1,000,000, where they will then round any integer. Pupils will then move onto using negative numbers in real-life contexts while reinforcing children’s understanding of the number line extending beyond zero.

Pupils will then move on to learn how to add and subtract integers with any number of digits. Pupils will then look at factors and common factors. Pupils will then look at common multiples where they will look at finding common multiples of two or more numbers. Pupils will look at rules of divisibility where they will learn different rules to apply in their learning.  Pupils will then look at primes to 100 where they will use prior learning from Year 5 in these lessons. Pupils will develop their knowledge of factors so that they can deepen their understanding of prime numbers. Pupils will then look at revisiting prior learning of square and cube numbers and the notation for squared and cubed. Pupils will then move onto multiplying up to a 4-digit number by a 2-digit number using long multiplication. Pupils will then use the column method for multiplication and explore alternative strategies for solving multiplication problems, including word problems. Pupils will then look at the short division where they divide numbers up to 4-digit numbers by a single-digit number. Pupils will then look at division using factors where they will build on their understanding of using factors in multiplication and learn to divide by a 2-digit number using repeated division. Pupils will be introduced to long division as a different method for dividing by a 2-digit number, now including numbers that cannot be factorised into single-digit numbers. They will then move onto long division with remainders. Children will look at division problems, looking at the most appropriate strategy for finding a solution.