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Social, Emotional and Mental Health

Social and emotional skills are the skills that help children and young people develop their resilience and manage their thoughts, feelings and behaviour.

They are important life skills that support pupils’ ability to cope with and negotiate their way through difficult situations, as well as build positive relationships with their peers and adults.

These skills can improve academic attainment and enhance pupils’ motivation, as well as promote wellbeing and help prevent mental health difficulties from developing.

School can play a pivotal role in building the strong emotional foundations that all of us need in order to thrive and be mentally healthy.

What are social and emotional skills?

Social and emotional skills help children and young people to:

  • identify and manage their feelings and their behaviour, and reach out for help where necessary
  • build and manage healthy relationships
  • have self-control
  • resolve conflict
  • be self-aware
  • handle and overcome difficulties
  • make good decisions
  • build resilience, self-esteem and confidence
  • think positively about themselves and how they perceive the world around them
  • recognise and prevent poor mental health
  • grow into well-rounded and healthy adults.


Social and emotional skills are taught at Howard Junior School throughout the school using a blend of high-quality lessons, in school programmes, interventions and quality assured resources.

At Howard a member of our school team is particularly skilled in supporting children with social and emotional needs.  Children can access additional support which will provide them with the necessary skills.

We offer support through play and activity based therapy around:

  • Bereavement
  • Anxiety
  • Family relationships
  • School avoidance
  • Peer relationships
  • Transition to other Key Stages