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We have had such a busy few weeks with Pancake Day, World Book Day and our incredible learning that has been taking place in our lessons.

As above, you can see our pupils look like they are sleeping. This is part of our Calm Me Time that we do weekly in our PSHE lessons. Pupils use calming images, and they can choose to close their eyes, stay sat in their seats and calm their minds ready for learning. 


On Pancake Day, everybody was able to eat a lovely pancake made by Mrs Thurston and Mrs Goldsmith. Everyone was able to choose their own toppings, from marshmallows to syrups and more.     


In Science, children were looking at light and an experiment was conducted to investigate shadows. At different times throughout the day, the class measured the length of the shadow and had to decide whether the shadow was smaller or larger earlier on in the day or later on in the day.



In History, pupils have been looking at the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, where they have been learning about how ships were built, which enabled Vikings to then go and explore. 


Recently, in Science, we have been looking at plants, and pupils have looked at different plants and what they need to thrive. Pupils were able to identify that plants may need similar things but not exactly the same amounts.   


As part of British Science Week, Year 3 looked at time in Space, where pupils have had to research and look for information based on different planets. Pupils were investigating the distance from the sun in kilometres, length of the day and the length of the year.


In Maths, pupils have been looking at multiplying and dividing. Pupils have used Base 10 and sticks to enable them to support their learning to multiply 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and then the sticks to divide numbers and show the remainder. 




Pupils have also used the fractions app to compare fractions using mathematical vocabulary of greater than, less than and equal to.