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Another week of achievements in Class Lewis. Today we all received our 20-point reading certificate and are one step closer to our 60-points and a book!

We've been trying so hard to read every day, and it's lovely to see our passion and progress for reading! Very proud of you all!

Golden Pupil

Well done to our Golden Pupil this week. He's always got a fantastic approach to school life, always enthusiastic about his learning and has worked so hard on his newspaper report, making progress in his writing. Keep this up, superstar - we're very proud of you!

Star of the Week

Seeing this pupil achieve Star of the Week has made Mrs T and I very proud. She has worked extremely hard on presenting her work neatly and is taking a more positive approach to school life. Keep this up superstar!

Maths Award

A huge well done to this pupil for winning the Maths Award out of the whole school. I'm a very proud teacher as he has had a complete transformation, working so hard on his presentation and answering lots of questions in his book which showcases his understanding. 

Double whammy ReadTheory winner

It's lovely to see a new face each week winning awards. Well done to this pupil for achieving the double of taking the most quizzes and earning the most knowledge points on ReadTheory.

Narnia Dojo Champions

Finally, well done to King Peter for securing a second-week reign by earning 190 Dojos. Can they make it a third week or will another King or Queen be victorious?