Another jam-packed week in Year 4! Please enjoy our learning and achievements from this week:
Maths: This week we continued our learning of multiplication and division by multiplying a number by 1 and 0, dividing a number by 1 and itself and multiplying by three numbers.
English: We started our sentence stacking lessons based on our book The Whale. We also completed an experience day on storms - we watched videos of different types of storms and used dictionaries and thesauruses to find adjectives, onomatopoeia and alliteration to describe a storm!
Science: We continued our unit of Ecology by focusing on food chains. We identified different producers, consumers and decomposers. We then created our own food chain.
History: We have started our new topic of Ancient Rome. We learnt that Ancient Rome was a powerful empire located in Italy. We located the empire on a map and spoke about geographical factors that helped Rome become so successful: mountains, rivers and seas to stop intruders, grow crops to feed armies and allow for exploration and trade.
PSHE: We started our new unit of Dreams and Goals. We spoke about our dreams for the future.
RE: Our worldview this half-term is Buddhism. We spoke about why the world can be wonderful for others, but why it may not be wonderful for some. We spoke about how the world could be wonderful by ensuring there are homes for everyone, everyone is listened to and loved, there were no more wars, and wildlife was protected.
PE: We have continued gymnastics with Mr Watson.
Reading: We answered inference and prediction questions based on the Chinese New Year.
Handwriting: We focused on the hard letter formations of s, r and v.
Spelling: We focused on the spelling rule of 'tch'.
Gap Analysis: We focused on areas of improvement from our last set of assessments. In Maths, we read and identified Roman Numerals up to 100 and in reading we summarised the main points of a text.
Well done to our Celebration Assembly winner, awarded for displaying all the Howard values this week, but in particular, demonstrating ambition and opportunity by completing extra work at home. We are so proud of you!
Well done to our Star of the Week, Maddison, for showing great resilience in her work and taking every opportunity to learn and make progress. We are so proud of you!
Well done to our Proud Cloud this week for all of his hard work in the interventions he undertakes. The staff at HJS are really so proud of you!
Well done to this pupil for achieving the double whammy of earning the most knowledge points and taking the most quizzes on ReadTheory!
Huge congratulations to the Yellow Sunflowers for being the winning Dojo Team this week!
Finally, an amazing number of children earning their 10-point reading certificate, finding time to read in school and at home every day.