In Maths, we have been continuing with our learning on multiplication and division, where we have been looking at multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. We have looked at factor pairs, reasoning about multiplication and multiplying 3 numbers.
In Geography, we have been looking at Eastern Europe, where we have identified the Balkan and Baltic countries.
In English, we have continued looking at the Whale and completing our sentence stacking lessons where pupils have looked at similes, inner thoughts, noun phrases, personification, fronted adverbials, adjectives and have created sentences.
In R.E we have continued looking at Buddhism, where pupils have focused on change this week. Pupils have then drawn pictures and written about a positive change that has happened in their life.
In History, pupils have looked at Roman society during the Roman Republic, where they created a societal diagram showing the different members of Roman Society.
In PSHE, pupils have looked at hopes and dreams where they have discussed how they could achieve their dream and looked at key messages of never giving up and showing resilience despite any challenges they may face when trying to achieve the hopes and dreams.