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Summer 2 Week 2  Another busy week of Summer term!


Maths - We began to look at the features of 2D and 3D shapes.  

Key vocabulary that we discussed:

  • parallel 
  • perpendicular
  • polygon
  • flat-face/ curved surface
  • edge
  • vertex

English - We continued to use 'The Write Stuff' sentence stacking lessons to write some incredible sentences about The Last Bear. The class wrote some incredible sentences which they should be very proud of!

Geography-  Western Europe  -

We looked at trading between countries in W Europe and learnt the following terms;

  • imports
  • exports

PE - We are busy practising for sports day and completing a game of rounders.

Science - Magnets and forces

We used magnets to test different items around the classroom.

PSHE - Babies

In PSHE, we were very sensible and discussed how our bodies change on the outside as we get older.

RE - We learnt about Sikhism and the 5 K'S and how this is important to their religion.