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  • Autumn 2 week 4

    Published 10/12/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    This week Year 3 have been making some delicious apple crumble. They used their cooking skills to chop and peel the apple and added extra spices such as cinnamon that they planned in their apple crumble recipe. They absolutely loved this and couldn't wait to dig their spoons into their creations.

    In maths, we finished our topic of 'Addition and subtraction' by looking at the inverse to solve missing number problems or to check their answers.  We also looked at estimations to check our answers to see if they were accurate.

    In English, we began to finish our sentence stacking lessons. Now, we have gathered lots of vocabulary and grammatical techniques to further enhance our independent writing.

    In science we have looked at invertebrates and vertebrates and have spent some time playing interactive games to correctly classify different types of animals.

    As well as this we have been playing dodgeball, learning Spanish and created an animation in computing.    

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    Published 26/11/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    Week 3 of the Autumn term

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  • Autum 2 Week 2

    Published 19/11/24, by Phoebe Bunker
    Maths - We have carried on practising formal addition using the column method, recapping our knowledge of hundreds, tens and ones and moved onto exchanging across the tens and the hundreds, English - Sentence stacking lessons for a report about a
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  • Autumn 2 week 1

    Published 08/11/24, by Phoebe Bunker

    Week 1

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